In compliance with The United States Department of Education’s “Gainful Employment in a Recognized Occupation” Regulations, please refer to the following program information:
For more information about Federal Student Financial Aid, we suggest visiting www.studentaid.gov or www.finaid.org.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. Visit http://nces.ed.gov/ for more information.
The US Department of Education’s College Navigator website allows students to search for schools they might want to attend according to various criteria such as accreditation, graduation rates, campus security, and other general information.
For more information about the occupations associated with the training offered at Wade Gordon Hairdressing Academy, visit http://www.onetonline.org/.
The US Department of Labor provides current job information at http://www.careerinfonet.org.
For more information about cost of attendance, please review the school’s student catalog, or visit https://collegecost.ed.gov/
To review the school’s Student Catalog: (TEXAS STUDENTS) (OKLAHOMA STUDENTS)
To review the school’s Annual Security Report, Crime Statistics, and Title IX Policy. click here
For information about the school lending standards, please review our Lending Code of Conduct.
All current and prospective students should review this Direct Loan Entrance Counseling Video.
State Complaint Process click here
Principles of Excellence click here
Student Financial Aid Information http://www.finaid.org | FAFSA
What is Financial Aid?
Financial aid is money to help pay for college or career school. The most common types of aid are loans and grants. Student loans such as subsidized loans, unsubsidized loans and parent plus loans help pay for your schooling now and must be repaid in the future. Grants such as pell is “free” money from the government, and it does not have to be repaid.
How do I apply for Financial Aid?
After your tour of our facility our financial aid officer will help guide you through the financial aid process or you can visit www.studentaid.gov to complete your FAFSA (Free Application For Student Aid) on your own.
Is your financial aid like college financial aid?
Yes. If you qualify, you may be eligible to receive grants, subsidized or unsubsidized loans to help finance your education. Our financial aid office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm and we will help walk you through the process. You can contact us for assistance.
When I complete my FAFSA will I need my parents information?
Depending on your age, marital status, and other factors you may be considered a dependent student and therefore you will be required to provide one or both of your parents information. Please visit the following website to see if you are considered an independent or dependent student before completing your FAFSA: https://studentaid.gov
Do I need to have good credit to qualify for financial aid?
No! Student financial aid is not based on your credit score.